Hop Frog Theme

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The short story, “Hop Frog,” is one of Edgar Allan Poe’s final works. The story tells of a most horrifying revenge made by a jester named Hop-Frog. The madness in Hop-Frog is brought to the surface by a cruel and monstrous king. In the end, he could not cope with the situation any longer and unfolded his revenge during a grand escape. The narrator is someone who is witnessing all of the revenge happen before him. It is set around the nineteenth century in a kingdom ruled by a tyrant king who loves to joke around. The king was a fat, round, merciless person who used people for his laughter and enjoyment. He entertains himself by watching his fools do ridiculous tricks. These fools were to be “always ready with sharp witticisms, at a moments notice.” Hop-Frog is one of the jesters that he makes fun of because of his dwarfism. He considers having Hop-Frog in his court a triple advantage. Not only was he a dwarf but he was a cripple and a jester. His name was given to him by one of the eight ministers of the king, because he …show more content…

By putting on tar and flak seeds, they looked like a bunch of “ourang-outangs,” Hop-Frog had mentioned. They marched into the ball at midnight and pretended to be wild beasts. Hop-Frog’s madness then took control of him when he hooked the king and his ministers on to the chandelier. He then was so engulfed with revenge, that he threw a lantern on to the “beasts.” They were then burned to death in front of their party guests. Hop-Frog goes up and says “‘I now see distinctly... what manner of people these maskers are. They are a great king and his seven privy-councillors—a king who does not scruple to strike a defenseless girl, and his seven councillors who abet him in the outrage. As for myself, I am simply Hop-Frog, the jester - and this is my last jest.’” Trippetta and him then escape and return back to their native region never to be seen

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