Homeschooling Vs Public School Essay

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Homeschooling or Public School?
Education has been taken very seriously by today’s society. Parents are encouraged to get their children an education at a very young age. It’s pretty difficult to have a great future without an education. Colleges and work programs look for people who are well-educated and have great set of skills that may be applied to their programs. For example, parents have a choice of sending their child to public, private schools, or homeschooling for their child. Parents may choose to homeschool their child, but sending their child to public or private school is a better choice for their future.
Parents think that homeschooling is better for their child, but is not. If a child goes to public or private schools they have a better future. For example, learning outside a school can consume a lot of mom and dad’s time. Most parents have full time jobs to support their family. this can be a really big trouble if parents are going to homeschool their child. The family would struggle to balance their budget. Even parents may have to quit their full-time job and get a pat-time, to spend time with the child. They might have to spend more time with their child than at work. That would be a huge problem because, how are they supposed to give their child an education. When they don’t have enough money, or they barely …show more content…

Many people would agree with that, but how is their child going to know about life. How are they going to learn about bullies if they don’t have the right person to talk about that topic with. Also how are the kids going to talk about the diseases that are out in the world. Parents may talk about the main ones, but they won 't know that there are a lot of different disease. This is why many parents choose to send their kids to public school, because they would teach their kids about a lot more than what they

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