Homeschooling Debate Essay

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Home Schooling: Is It Right for Every Child?
Is home schooling better for children than public schooling? This is a questions that many families are facing right now as home schooling is becoming more of a trend in the United States. In Rachel Cox’s “Home Schooling Debate,” and Mathew Johnsons’ “Vaccine-Preventable Diseased Among Homeschooled Children,” they both agree that home schooling is not for every child; however, Cox focuses on how beneficial home schooling can be for children, whereas Johnson focuses on how home schooling can be detrimental for a child. After reading the articles we find three reasons why home schooling isn’t for every child: the government cannot protect children that may be at risk in their homes, the parents of …show more content…

Throughout her article we see multiple stories of those who have had success with home schooling and first-hand accounts of how it has worked for them. She believes that home schooling is a better option because the government has now become more involved than it used to be. She also mentions that home schooled children are often involved in clubs and sports at public or private schools which allows the child to have social interactions with other students, she says that this can really help students not feel secluded. Something that Cox really emphasizes in this article is how much safer home schooling can be than public schools when it comes to not only violence, but things like drugs and peer pressure as well. In a home schooled environment, the parents can teach the child how they would like, and they get to decide what to expose their child to, Cox explains. In her article, she states many reasons why it is better for some students to get a home schooled …show more content…

Children learn differently and in different environments, so it may work for some, and may not work for others. Cox says that parents home school for five reasons, “to give their children a better education, for religious reasons, to avoid a poor school environment, for family reasons and to instill ‘character/morality” (Cox 28). She believes that home schooling is a better for children because it can shelter them more and can expose them to whatever the family chooses to expose them to, instead of other students. However, Johnson states, “You have high-end kids and low-end kids. There are both high schools and home schools where the choices are inappropriate, high schools and home schools with a very, very narrow vision” (Johnson 42). Johnson shows in this statement that just because the student is learning in the home doesn’t mean they are getting the right education or that parents are making the right choices. The choice is ultimately up to the parents, but there is no “one size fits all” when it comes to every child’s

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