Home Improvements Affect the Growth of Children

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Home improvements affect the growth of children From the beginning of birth, we all have a certain talent and funding. A person bring more than his own when he was born, he brings an ethnic traditional culture heritage. And he will have to accept their family values, family elders acting styles. People all growth in the different time and different places, the culture and the ancestor’s legacy affect people achievements deeply. In the Outliers Malcolm Gladwell have point out, the natural environment of life, have creating a region of people working attitude towards learning. And the family environment is the natural environment's epitome. The family who have requirements for their child, the child would have greater chance of success. It is that simple, you want to be someone, and you are likely to become someone. To those people hope one's children will have a bright future, they should construct a harmonious healthy family social milieu. To construct a harmonious healthy family social milieu, the first thing is find a good neighborhood to live. Home, school, family, community dimensional environment, children spend time at home has more than one-third, and for the early stages of education children, family effect are more important than the social impact. A good family environment will led the children having good feelings, and good habits. Home is home, a great neighborhood is very important to all of us. And a great neighborhood can effect a child’s future development. “Compared to growing up in affluent neighborhoods, growing up in neighborhoods with high levels of poverty and unemployment reduces the chances of high school graduation from 96 percent to 76 percent for black children.”(Rudow 1). Well this fact have shown ... ... middle of paper ... ... to provide guidance to help a teenager choose positive friends instead of ones who have a bad influence”(Hatter 1). From the child's communicative environment, it is when you touch black, you become black, when you touch red, and you become red. Guide your children to make good friend is important. Confucius propose to select a good friend principle, which is clearly tell which is bad friends and who is good friends. Making bad friend and cause tragedy is happened a lot. Meanwhile, parents should beware staggered in order to prevent child make bad friends, and prohibit child making friends. Overall, the family environment effect our children's future development, so if parents create a good condition, the child's development will be more secure. Let us concerned about the child’s healthy growth, and strive for the children to create a good learning environment.

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