Holding On

521 Words2 Pages

As morning came, Serena stirred, her arms draped over Ric, keeping him close, she knew he was there, she could hear his heartbeat, but she could not feel his arms around her, but as he felt her wiggle about, he spoke, his right hand, suddenly falling to her head, massaging through her hair softly. "Morning" he smiled "Hmm" Serena sighed, not moving from him, "Been awake long?" "I guess" "You should have woken me" "What kind of husband would that make me?" "Ah, you are so trained" Serena laughed, but then took a serious tone, "What woke you" "I couldn't really sleep" Ric almost instantly became distant Serena leant up, reading the expression upon his face "Penny for them?" "It's nothing" "Ric..." "The pain ... It's unbearable and I ... It doesn't matter" "Don't start doing this, not today..." "I can't move my fucking neck, Serena," Ric snapped, causing Serena to frown, Ric did not often swear, and when he did, she knew things were getting on top of him. "Let, alone the arm" "Okay... We can sort this" "How?" "We'll get you to the hospital, I'll phone Guy, get him to co...

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