Holden Caulfield: A Short Story

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Hello there reader. I’m guessing you don’t know who I am, so I’m going to tell you. I am Holden Caulfield, a 20-year-old bumming their way through life and living in their parent’s home. When I say home, I mean an apartment building. We’re apartment 66 on the sixth floor. Oh did I mention that I got the axe from multiple schools. I did, I really did. Anyhow, now I live in New York which is a gorgeous place for bums like me. I used to go to Pencey Prep, an all-boys prep-school, and I had the time of my life. But in reality, it was one of the worst times in my goddam life. It was like jail to help weed out the phonies from the real smart guys. It really was. Don’t get me wrong, I learned some stuff at the schools, but it didn’t do much for me. I mean now I work at lousy Chipotle. If you didn’t know already, Chipotle is one of these phony restaurants that tries to act like they’re genuinely Mexican, even though they’re not. If you want to know the truth, it’s just a fancy sounding Spanish word. There used to place a genuine Mexican restaurant …show more content…

She gave him the most daring look that almost the devil himself would apologize like a madman. Phil didn’t goddam care though. I swear he was crazy. But enough of Chipotle. Let’s get back to which show I was watching. It was the best show ever, Spongebob Squarepants. I have to admit, Spongebob is not my favorite character, but he’s not my least favorite. Squidward is my least favorite. He is the phoniest of them all, he tries to act all proper and act like he doesn’t care, but in reality he’s just the opposite. He also treats Spongebob very badly. At least Spongebob isn’t afraid to put himself out there and be himself. The trouble is that Spongebob always tries to be friendly to Squidward, but Squidward always a bum to him. But boy is Spongebob funny, he doesn’t even have to try. One thing that really kills me is that he most of the time doesn't get the underlying meaning of

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