Ho Chi Minh and Vietnam

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Ho Chi Minh, Politics, and North Vietnam

North Vietnam, September 2, 1945, Ho Chi Minh declared independence from France. Ho Chi Minh's "Independence Day" was marked with a new constitution and a new name, The Democratic Republic of Vietnam. Ho's speech on the day of Vietnamese Independence was one of freedom, freedom against French domination. Inspiration of Ho's speech was one from American history and history has a tendency to repeat itself. Like the very past of America and Europe, French rule did not grant Vietnamese Independence and war broke out.

Ho grew up knowing at the young age of fifteen that the French were only in Vietnam to attack Indo-china once power was established, even though he was still young he told students at his school of the French plans and tried to convince them to join the revolutionist cause. Ho started his quest for Vietnamese Independence early, he entered a profession that would linger in his name for years to come, he taught. The practice from this profession would help Ho in his future of teaching many Vietnamese about his politics. Vietnam...

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