Hitler's Rise to Power

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Hitler's Rise to Power

Looking back at the horrendous events that occurred during the Second

World War, many of the people effected or even not so effected often

ask the question

‘Who let a mad man like Hitler come into power?’ The answer is, no one

let him come into power, therefore it’s probably more accurate, to say

‘What enabled Hitler to come to power’

To answer this question, one must study the episode from 1918-1935

closely in order to understand the mood in post war Germany that would

make such a rash and ludicrous decision possible.

Of the many reasons that permitted Hitler to come to power, the core

reason was most probably The Economic Depression and this was due to

Germanys’ unexpected defeat in 1918.

Like most countries in post war period, whether defeated or

victorious, The economy is usually failing due to all the damage and

destruction to industries and the loss of life during the war.

However, Germany‘s economy failed considerably worse than expected.

A few years after war ended, German politicians forcefully signed the

Peace Treaties that had a terrible impact on Germany.

By signing the Treaty, Germany had agreed to accept its terms. Germany

had to loose all its colonies, disarm but most harsh of all it had to

pay reparations.

The reparation figure was £6600 million- an enormous amount, which the

Germans thought, was very unreasonable.

Nevertheless they had no choice but to pay it back to the allies. In

the first year payments were on time however by 1922, Germany fell

behind in payments, which caused the French to invade the Ruhr. The

German governments ordered the workers to go on stri...

... middle of paper ...

... role of one factor.

All the events lead to each other event eventually leading to Hitler‘s


If the Treaty of Versailles hadn't been signed, Germany wouldn't have

gone into economic depression, Hitler wouldn't have gone ahead with

the Munich Putsch, he wouldn't have had a trial and been famous,

therefore he wouldn't have been able to show off his communication

skills, Hindenburg wouldn't have appointed him and he wouldn't have

been able to make the Enabling Act thus he wouldn't have been in


If we try to remove one factor, the chain is broken and things would

have been so different.

I conclude bys saying that no factor has priority over another and

without all of the factors linked together, there's a great chance

that Hitler would have never been able to gain authority over Germany.

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