Hitler's Pursuit for Racial Purity: Holocaust Horrors

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Essay 3 Draft 2 It is estimated that approximately eleven-million people were murdered during the holocaust. Of these eleven-million people around six million of them were Jewish. Jewish people were not the only ones Adolf Hitler was targeting; Hitler persecuted Jehovah 's Witnesses, Gypsies, homosexuals, and the mentally challenged. Hitler wanted to achieve absolute ethnic and racial purity in the country, so if you were anything other than what he considered to be perfect(blonde hair and blue eyed) you were not accepted by him and faced the chance of being killed. Adolf Hitler was the leader of the Nazi Party and of Germany, from 1921-1945. He also was a soldier in World War One and joined the German Workers Party. Mass shootings were …show more content…

Many choices Hitler made and many of his beliefs he had were the sole causes of the beginning of the Holocaust, and the happening of the Holocaust had very many detrimental effects to the people affected …show more content…

It is often a topic that many are uncomfortable talking about and tend to push to the side. There is a very big problem with that though, people in this generation need to know what happened in the past and be fully educated on everything that happened, in order to help prevent something terrible like that from ever happening again. The Holocaust was caused by a very few distinct reasons. Hitler’s very strong belief of anti semitism and his extreme hatred for the Jewish community was among the most powerful of causes for the beginning of the Holocaust. Also , the various political, economic, and social problems that the country of Germany was facing during the time leading up to the second World War massively contributed. The Nazi Party’s effective use of propaganda, scapegoating, and their military strength were also very strong factors. These causes therefore were the reason why the Holocaust occurred, and it had very many effects that arose from its happening. Millions upon millions were dead after it had finally reached an end. The survivors suffered vast amounts of physical and mental pain and challenges. Finally, lots of books and websites were made about the Holocaust in order to provide information to people about the terrible event that had occurred. All in all, the Holocaust was a very terrible and heartbreaking event that occurred in our world 's history, but also it is a very crucial thing for

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