History Of Kim Jong-Il

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Amnesty International has called North Korea “The last, worst place on Earth” ("Secret State"). Kim Jong-il joined the Worker’s Party of North Korea in his twenties, where he absorbed communist beliefs and ideas, progressing through the ranks. In July 1994, Kim Jong-il took over the position of Supreme Leader of North Korea from his father, Kim Il-sung, taking total control of North Korea. Kim Jong-il’s lifetime and leadership of North Korea can be traced over a period of 71 years, as he and the government affected the nation greatly by causing a dire and plummeting economy, isolation and control over North Korea’s citizens, and a need for assistance from other countries.
Kim Jong-il’s life was shrouded in mystery as he grew up because myths were created around the dictators of North Korea (“Kim Jong Il Biography”). “Much of Kim Jong-il’s persona is based on cult of personality... North Korean accounts describe his life, character, and actions in ways that promote and legitimize his leadership” (“Kim Jong Il Biography”). Though he was officially declared born on February 16, 1941, it is thought that Kim Jong-il, known as the “Dear Leader,” ("Kim Jong Il Fast Facts"), was born a year later. Kim’s birthplace is also a mystery. Sources state that Kim was either born in a military camp in North Korea, Siberia, The Soviet Union, or Khabarovsk. It is believed that Kim was born in Siberia, despite accounts of his birth on a mountain under a double rainbow ("Kim Jong Il Fast Facts"). North Korea has covered up much of Kim’s early life, including his birth, but the reasons and actual facts are unknown.
In addition, North Koreans do not know many facts about Kim Jong-il. They are told lies, that Kim is almighty, and deceived through lots ...

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...amaging the nation ("Kim Jong-un Biography"). He let the economy plummet further into the ground, hurting the economic status of North Korea, with no concern ("Kim Jong-un Biography"). Currently, more than three-fourths of the population does not have enough food to eat. The whole system of hereditary succession in the Kim family has damaged North Korea severely.
Kim Jong-il and the North Korean government’s national affect through propaganda, control, and isolation, have cause poverty and poor conditions in the country. Upon his death, the people of North Korea were left with false knowledge of areas beyond their country that, causing them to believe in the North Korean government. The government tricks its people into believing false views. The control, isolation, and propaganda, shroud many people in North Korea from learning about their country’s poor condition.

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