Historical References to Faust

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Historical References to Faust

Faust I

Prologue in Heaven

· The scene begins with the Three Archangels, Raphael, Gabriel, and

Michael, confessing their inability to comprehend the awe-inspiring

works of God.In the Christian tradition, archangels are angels of the

highest rank and are associated with certain functions or

responsibilities.In “Prologue in Heaven,” they personify the cosmos:

Raphael describes and represents the heavens, Gabriel the earth, and

Michael the elements.

· Mephistopheles.Goethe’s devil is inspired by a number of different

literary sources, not just Christian.

· The basic structure of the dialogue between the Lord and

Mephistopheles is inspired by the first two chapters of The book of

Job, in which Satan obtains permission from God to try and tempt Job

to do evil.

· Faust. The real Georg (or Johann) Faust was born in 1480 and died in

1540. Although contemporary sources suggest he was quite well known in

Germany during his lifetime, his fame and notoriety is the result of

an incredibly popular collection of (barely believable) anecdotes and

stories about him called Volksbuch, which was published in 1587. The

Volksbuch was an important source of inspiration to Goethe and other

authors as they wrote about Faust.


· The opening monologue is an indirect adaptation of Christopher

Marlowe’s The Tragical history of Doctor Faustus.

· Faust has in his possession a book by Nostradamus (1503-66), the

French astrologer, physician and prophet.

· When Faust first opens the book by Nostradamus he sees the sign of

the macrocosm, which is a diagram of the organization of the cosmos.

· The vision that the sign of the macrocosm inspires echoes Jacob’s

dream in Genesis 28,...

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...hab,so that Ahab could seize his subject’s

vineyards. By referring to Naboth, Mephistopheles is preparing us to

expect the deaths of Baucis and Philemon.


· In Medieval literature, allegorical figures symbolize the approach

of death. The allegorical figures in “Midnight” also parallel the four

horsemen of the Apocalypse: death, war, famine, and plague (see

Revelations 6:1-8).


· In the original Faust legends, Faust is dragged off to

hell.Mephistopheles is unable to do so this time because Faust was

never so satisfied with the results of his striving that he wanted

time to stand still.Mephistopheles is only able to seize Faust's soul

through trickery.

Mountain Gorges

· The Anchorites – Pater Ecstaticus, Pater Profundus, and Pater

Seraphicus – are religious hermits who represent the mystical

tradition of early Christianity.

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