Historic Fundamentalism Movement In The United States

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Name: Ndunda Kakuvi
ID: 635104
Course IRL3010 African Philosophy
Instructor: Munna Mwakina R


George Marsden has defined Fundamentalism as the demand for a strict adherence to certain theological doctrines, in reaction against Modernist theology (Marsden, 1980) The term fundamentalism was originally invented by its supporters to describe what they claimed were five specific classic theological beliefs of Christianity, which morphed into a Christian fundamentalist movement within the Protestant community of the United States in the early 20th century.
Historic fundamentalism is where the phrase fundamentalism comes from. The term "fundamentalism" has its roots in the …show more content…

The issue of Modernization seems to have produced a deep sense of alienation and has stimulated a search for an identity that will give life some purpose and meaning. The rise of a global consumerist culture has lead to an awareness of relative lack that people believe they can deal with more effectively if they present their claims as a group. One result of these developments has been a wave of popular religiosity, which has had far-reaching implications for social integration, political stability and international security. (Haynes, 1995). These have some main characteristics …show more content…

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