Hiring an Attorney for a School Expulsion Hearing

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Although it may seem unnecessary to hire an attorney for a school expulsion hearing, the consequences of these hearings can drastically shape your child’s educational future. Section 48900 of the California Education Code outlines several acts that a child can commit to be recommended for expulsion. These include acts committed:

• While on school grounds
• While going to or coming from school
• During the lunch period whether on or off campus
• During, or while going to or coming from, a school sponsored activity

At these hearings you will face a panel of three teachers, which experienced attorneys at Wallin & Klarich can help with. Our attorneys can help you organize your child’s defense, while showing that the parents and child are serious about fighting the charges.

High School Cheating Scandal in Corona Del Mar

Much to the surprise of several parents and students at Corona Del Mar High School, their violation of California Education Code Section 48900 may even result to criminal charges being filed against them.

According to the Los Angeles Times, 12 students worked with a...

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