Hilter's Foreign Policy

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Hilter's Foreign Policy

A dynamic foreign policy played a fundamental role in Hitler's rule, his decisions often revolving around his foreign policy aims. Hitler's aims were ambitions, the globalist school of thought most notably Rausching believe his 'ultimate aim was simply the maximum of power and domination'; namely ultimate power. Hitler in the future planning to gain Germen supremacy in the Middle East, Africa and finally in the USA after conquering Europe. Such notions however; as Noakes and Pridham state are based upon comments of 'vague expansion outside Europe' to be found in Mein Kampf and Zweite Buck, not actions and are thus dubious.

The more readily accepted and justifiable theory, held by the continentalist school of thought, is that 'The conquest of lebensraum was the overriding aim of Hitlers foreign policy.' Trevor Roper. Expansion of the German empire being limited to hegemony within Europe. Hitler saw the aim of lebensraum, coined as the soil policy, as the solution to the 'unhealthy relationship between rural and city population.' Mein Kampf. The racialist policy securing the utopian of Hitler's Arian society. The strength of Hitler's belief being reflected in the four year plans orientation towards future wars.

The crushing of the Treaty of Versailles was necessary if lebensraum was to be achieved also interlinked with this was the unification of all Arians. The Treaty of Versailles was damaging to Germany both socially, economically, territorially and militarily; land being removed, Germans being separated and reparations being demanded. Perhaps most devastating was the clause in which Germany had to accept full responsibility for the war, since this proved detrimental to German pride and caused widespr...

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...r' was declared between Germany and Britain, once again he faced no military opposition until 1940. Some historians argue that this move was too hasty as the four yr plan was not due to be completed to 1940 and the economy even at this point was not stable. Nevertheless Hitler had entered a war that he very nearly won.

Hitler adopted a daring dexterous foreign policy between 1933-9, which proved largely successful. Hitler securing his aims of German unity and the removal of the Treaty of Versailles and had laid the foundations for lebensraum and maybe even world domination. Often with added economic, military, territorial and social benefits; each success improving his standing within Germany and Arian pride. Hitler only failed in his inability to secure an alliance Anglo Nazi alliance, which perhaps was an unrealistic goal, and perhaps rushing into war.

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