High School Drop-Outs

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The problem of drop-outs at high school is in both developed and developing countries. Malta is not an exception and the educational authorities are very concerned about the situation. For this reason, I decided to conduct my literature review about school leaver at high school.

Certainly, literature review is as well the right step to improve my professional services. The title should be crafted very carefully, to provide a clear hindsight of the issue investigated in my assignment. The title of my assignment is’ Students at risk to drop out of high school’. Furthermore, the literature review is an insight into the development of the research question that retrospect the issue of drop-outs. My research question is “What factors led vulnerable students to drop out of school? Those students who are in a relative deprivation, coming from low-income families and social exclusion both cultural and psychological aspects have the most chance to leave school. Additionally, vulnerable students are children who have their parents’ illiterate, unemployed or belonging to the lower classes of society.

As a Professional Career Advisor, I ought to encourage students to further their studies. Thus, they will succeed to reach higher educational level. In addition, students will be supported to expand personal expectations. It is part and parcel of my role and responsibility to conduct students to stay in school, and to develop the necessary skills to accomplish high qualifications.

Important part of my assignment is literature review.

For the purpose of my study, is to explore the problem of drop-outs. Therefore, it is indispensable to read a wide range of literature concerning this phenomenon among...

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...pplied with skills, guidance and support programmes. These are the key characteristics of a safety net in a school to expose students to broaden their perception to the variety of career opportunities.

I believe in this way, the students are protected from failing out of the educational system. Optimistically, these vulnerable students will not lapse into illiteracy and end up falling into delinquency. Consequently, the students will succeed to accomplish the necessary core subjects proceed with their studies at high school.

It is important to give careful consideration and greater attention to literacy in general. For this reason, together with other professionals in education develop special programmes to meet the students’ needs. As a result, the students considered themselves part of the school and understand that they are not isolated from the rest.

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