Heterosexuality Research Paper

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Contemporary understandings of sexuality in society have been restricted by religious diction and stigma. Markedly, Cranny-Francis establishes that society’s majoritarian view of sexuality has been informed by “patriarchally dominated institutions (Cranny Francis, 2003, p13).” Heteronormativity and its widespread acceptance is a direct product of the prevalence of patriarchal norms. Fausto-sterling further explores this paradox by concluding that “… our beliefs about gender – not science – can define our sex (Fausto-sterling, 2000, p3).” Thus contemporary society has adopted the false truth that both gender and sexuality are naturally occurring states which require the individual to identify as male and masculine or female and feminine and heterosexual. Indeed, sexuality is innate to human nature; however the aforementioned belief gives rises to oppressive structures which undermine the rights of those who do not identify as heterosexual. Cohen highlights that “heterosexuality and heterosexual relationships [are perceived as] fundamental and natural to society (Cohen,1997, p456).” This paper will examine the model of essentialism and social construction for the purpose of defining sexuality.
The term sexuality has been misunderstood in both socio-cultural and political spheres of society – as the prejudiced right wing construes it to defame individuals who identify as other than heterosexual. However, Cranny- Francis remedies this oversight by defining the term as “… a set of social processes which produce and organize the structure and expression of desire (Cranny Francis,2003, 190-2).” Thus sexuality stems from one’s innate human drive and the act of sex is the physical “expression of desire(Cranny Francis,2003,190-2).” Thus t...

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...with our chosen partner. Additionally, the act of sex enables us to further our bond and to develop a physical closeness. I highly detest the view that the act of sex serves the mechanical purpose of reproduction – as such views are archaic and undermine societal progress, particularly that considering the recognition of equal rights for all sexualities. The gender studies course has widened my world view by enabling me to deconstruct the representation and under-representation of homosexuality in media. In particular the stereotypes pinned to the identity of a gay man are misleading and overly dramatized. What is most disheartening is that the butch lesbian and feminine male stereotype is utilized for satirical purposes. In both western culture and Indian culture gay men are represented as overly dramatic and overly feminine – as inferred by the pictures below.

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