Heterosexuality And Homosexuality

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The concept of sexual orientation, which is a person’s romantic and emotional attraction to another person, is a modern sociological construct (Macionis, Jansson, Benoit, & Burkowicz, p. 190, 2016). The predominant classifications of this concept are heterosexuality, meaning the sexual attraction to someone of the opposite sex, and homosexuality, the sexual attraction to someone of the same sex (Macionis et. al., p. 190, 2016). With the large majority of society’s acknowledgment towards these two sexual identities, it leaves little to no room for those who find themselves in neither ends of these categories, to receive any sort of recognition. More specifically, the visibility for those who establish themselves as bisexual, defined as the sexual attraction to people of both genders, face misconceptions from a portion of society (Macionis et. al., p. 190, 2016). Whether it may be from heterosexuals or homosexuals, someone who falls in between the two identities seem to encounter greater difficulties in gaining social acceptance. Despite having its place in the term, LGBTQ, which is an abbreviation for the community of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and people of other sexual orientations and …show more content…

The first agent of socialization that people encounter is their family, who are the people who provide care and teach their children basic functions of life, values, and norms (Macionis et. al., p. 95, 2016). They are often the first to reject family members because of their sexual orientation or gender identity, which can also result in abuse, homelessness, and a halt in a youth’s education, especially if the family is conservative (Subhrajit, p. 320, 2014). If the individual comes from a more open and liberal family, they would receive a more positive and supportive acceptance from

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