Heredity And Nature: A Controversy: Nature Vs. Nurture

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Nature vs Nurture Have you ever wondered why you are the way you are? What makes you brave or shy? For many years, psychologists have been discussing if your genetics or your surroundings are more important to determine personalities. The debate of nature versus nurture is an enduring controversy that has survived through the ages. Many experiments, studies, and discussions have attempted in vain to determine whether biology or environment can be attributed to the way a person has developed. There are two theories about human development that explain how heredity and environment affect an individual. Some people believe that this debate is not solved by one determining force but by a combination of the two. Both heredity and environment play …show more content…

Humans are unique and highly-intricate creatures, and DNA is what makes individuals who they are; it is the code for our physical being. Physical features, personality, and even intelligence are all decided by our unique DNA. Some people say that the nature has the largest hand in human development. They believe that who we are is decided by who our parents are. we are products of our predecessors. Each and every person was created by God, and He puts uniqueness to each individual. To better understand the power of the nature we should think about it. For example, my father has aggressiveness in his genes he could have passed aggressive tendencies on to my brother. my brother and I are very alike, physically speaking. We have the same skin color, eyes color, and tall identically to our parents. But the reality is we are totally different people, like opposite poles. He likes the street life while I do not. I like to study but he does not, and so on. When people have the chance to meet us; they get really surprised because of the way I am. People start to be more respectful with me than my brother because they can see the difference right away between my brother and me. I always wondered why he is like that and I am what I am. Several times I asked to my mother why he and me do not have anything in common, except the physical appearance, but she does not …show more content…

The nature vs nurture debate goes on and on, but still, it is a fact that we have traits that are predetermined by our genes, but we can still choose who we want to be as we travel through our lifetime. But I do not want to finish this paper without saying a passage from the bible that really represent where I stand for about the two theories about human development. Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” I believe that the way children are raised up through adolescence will have a lasting impact on them and will shape their life, and how they live it,

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