Henry The Navigator Research Paper

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Learning to Discover the World
On March 4th, 1394, Henry the Navigator was born into Portuguese royalty. Henry, the third son of King John I and Phillipa of Lancaster grew up in the royal family and was well educated (Britannica). Inspired by astrological literature and military campaigns, Henry hoped to one day send quests for gold, new land, and trade. At the time the Silk Road hardly supplied enough goods, and Henry hoped marine trade would assist Portugal. However, while Henry wanted to find and colonise new lands, few others dared to travel. Nevertheless, Henry was a sponsor and advocate of trips along the West African coast and to smaller islands. He also built a school to educate others on necessary navigation skills. Henry’s accomplishments …show more content…

First, Henry helped to sponsor voyages in hopes he could convert others to christianity, find new land to conquer, and improve trade. Thus he proved that sea travel was possible and encouraged others travel, despite their fear of the unknown. Through spending his wealth on travel, Henry helped others to seek adventure. His trips were an opportunity for glory and gold, enforcing renaissance ideals like individualism and worldly pleasures. Henry also helped to found the School of Navigation, which taught explores how to navigate the oceans and create maps. These skills were essential to the growth of sea travel, allowing people to travel farther than before. Finally, by seeking trade in West Africa, Henry proved that voyages were a profitable investment, and inspired others to make trips to Africa. Soon after his death, other countries prospered from slave trade by seeking efficient trade routes. Slave trade quickly lead other explorers to embarking on journeys out of greed. Overall, Henry galvanized others to discover the world either for god, trade, resources, or glory. Through attempting to fulfill Portugal’s potential, Henry the Navigator taught people to look beyond land for new ideas, and began a new Age of

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