Henry Ford: The Creation Of The Assembly Line

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“Vision without execution is just hallucination” (Ford). Ford started his vision like anyone else. He had an idea and carried out his vision. The assembly line has been accidently created by Henry Ford, but in the long run; has to be the most important technological piece of engineering to this day. Ford showed early signs of being an engineer. Eventually, when Ford was 15 years old, his dad gave him a pocket watch. Ford disassembled the pocket watch and also repaired his fellow friends and neighbours. He was known as the watch repairman. After, Ford left is home to become a pupil machinist. Henry Ford later became an engineer at the Edison Illuminating Company. After his promotion, he had money and time to experiment with the products of gasoline
At first, the Model T was hand assembled and took roughly 12.5 hours. When Henry Ford started to build his famous Model T in 1909, his company sold each automobile for $825. Through Ford’s genius perspective, he wanted to reduce the cost per car and the time to build the T. After observing a butcher shop, he engineered a line. This line consisted of a range of workers at each station. At each station, a designated worker puts a piece of the car on; whether from installing the engine or bolting the wheels together or buckling the seats in. These stations add up and produce one final Model T automobile. Thus, the assembly line is able to reduce the overall cost, increase quality, and reduced the time to build the Model T. By the year of 1925, the overall cost was reduced to $260 and took about 93 minutes to construct one. As Henry Ford said, “There is one rule for industrialists and that is: Make the best quality of goods possible at the lowest cost possible, pay the highest wages possible.” Ford followed this rule, stuck by this rule, and lived by this rule. Therefore, the assembly line reduced the fuel cost minimization by cutting the time required to build, lowered the overall cost, and manufactured mass quantities of the Model

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