Hegemonic Masculine Sexual Reflection Paper

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Hegemonic Masculine Sexual Script says that a man initiates, leads, and is in charge when it comes to sex. Also, that performance is the thing that counts. This idea is saying that men are to be in control of all aspects of sex and the outcome of the sexual encounter is ruled by what a man wants to put into the relationship and how the woman will be pleasured. Hegemonic masculine sexual script is taking a woman’s right to be satisfied by her desires and putting them in the hands of a man. Taking away their freedom to express how they want the sexual encounter to feel and assuming that a woman is submissive and doesn’t care about sex as much as a man, and that men worry about their explosive orgasms because that is what is important to prove they are a real man. First, I would like to see the educational system teach children the safety of sex, but at the same time explain to them about what sex feels like to each gender. The education system needs to get away from teaching only the fundamentals, that the male and female reproductive organs as systems are for the production of valuable substances, such as, eggs and sperm and the notion that the …show more content…

Patrick Califia said, “It would be a world where people got to make sexual choices based on what they liked and needed, not based on what they have been told they should want or what they thought was available.” This is what I dream for women and the freedom from the hegemonic scripts. This course has opened my eyes to the simple concept of learning the language and having conversations. In the article “All Together Now,” Wilchin’s talks about once a word becomes accepted, we tend to lose its history. That is what society needs to do moving forward, learn the language, forget about the past and accept the

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