Persuasive Essay About Health

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Today, if you google the word health you’ll see about 2 billion results. Interest in health has probably never been greater than it is today. Health information is endemic in our culture: It’s plastered on everything from cereal boxes to billboards, featured in magazines and newspapers articles, discussed on daytime talk shows and on prime-time news programs, and disseminated on costly newsletters and private seminars. Health-related books dominate the best-seller list. Health- related products are sold everywhere, from drugstores to late-night infomercials. You might think all this interest would result in good health for most people. It hasn’t. Most Americans are sick. In the United States, one person is killed by hearth disease every minute. Every day, 1,500 people die from cancer. Combined, these two diseases kill over one million people per year. The center for …show more content…

Make sure to drink plenty of water. It is the best way to avoid juice, soda and soy products, choose organic foods when possible, especially corn, vegetables, fruits, and soy products. Check out a local farmers market for good deals on products. If your family is not following a plant-based diet with you. You can cook meat separately and add it to the other plant-based foods. Encourage your family to try more meatless meals and try new recipes they might enjoy. Some of the benefits of eating a plant-based diet, it lowers cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar, prevents hearth disease, you have a longer life, healthier weight. Lower risk of cancer and diabetes, lowers food cost and it good for the environment. So eating a plant-base diet is better for you because it will not only help you stay healthy but it will also help revert some of the damage done to your body. And you will also save thousands of dollars that you would spend on medication that will only help with some of the symptoms but will not cured

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