Healing Prayer In Reverend D. Harris

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Healing is a major theme in the Christian faith, causing many to seek spiritual guidance when they or a loved one are suffering, to look to God as a healer. Reverend Dr. Harris preaches in her sermons about the healing power of God and the way people have been healed by him. Using Geertz’s theory of religion as a system of symbols, Reverend Dr. Harris’ portrays the use of christian religious symbols as they relate to their ability to heal the sick. Of the many symbols used in her sermons, Rev. Dr. Harris points out two examples that stand out among the others: the first being holy oil, as used to heal by the laying on of hands and anointing; the second being Christ himself, being a symbol of the healing power of God. These symbols act as a template for healing, giving it a definite form. Actively embracing the symbols make the healing power through prayer “really real” for the people who seek the removal of their illness while also establishing moods and motivations used by Christian followers. In her first sermon, Rev. Dr. Harris touches on the healing prayer going on in one of her chapels. In these healing prayers, a “special oil for the sick” is used among the people seeking healing help(Rev. Harris, Sermon 1). The healing oil is used for emotional support and spiritual …show more content…

The Healing oil also acts as a model for connecting with the divine. As a minister lays their hands on the head of the sick, there is an “energy” passed on between them(Rev. Dr. Harris, Sermon 1). Then the Minister traces the sign of the cross on the forehead of the unwell. When the oil touches skin, there is a connection that takes place with the “Father, Son and Holy Spirit”(as blessed by the minister) and the healing power of Christ is passed through the anointed(Rev. Harris, Sermon

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