Hatred in Societies like the one Described in George Orwell´s 1984

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Philosophers around the world enthusiastically debate society and its changes, how it can survive and how to mold it. Society, by definition, is the totality of social relationships among humans; never are the words happiness, love, or hatred hinted at. Without the knowledge of any emotions they cannot be felt. A society can survive on hatred, power, and victory with the exception of love and devotion for its leader(s). If there is no experience with love there can be no knowledge of its existence. Love for a dictator/ leader is more of a detrimental devotion rather than the passionate, lusty love that marriage provokes. Although there is little known about North Korea, in the documentary called Inside North Korea, narrated by Lisa Ling, it is apparent that the citizens have alarming devotion and love for their past and present family dictators. The citizens do have spouses and procreate but, the majority of their love is directed towards the never ending paintings, statues, and photographs of their leaders. Their forced ignorant perception of the world, including hatred for a plethora of other countries due to the fabricated past that they are taught, and common emotions make it possible for their society to survive on leader devotion, false victory, and hatred. In the world of 1984, written by George Orwell, indifference and hate toward others is what the government, the Party, thrives on. The rebel force, the Brotherhood, would like to annihilate the Party but not to change the outlook on life or on people. The main goal of the Brotherhood is put the people into different hands but with the same hatred and control. As an interview is being held for admittance into the rebellion the questions were gruesome. O’Brien asks Winsto... ... middle of paper ... ...etely devoted to the Party and knew nothing of before Big Brother, only the hatred for the Brotherhood and whatever he decides is right. I believe that even has a first generation citizen in such a society I would be forced to live under the rule of hatred. I would not want to at first but, brainwashing and psychological damage would rewire my mind. I have no doubt that as a second generation and beyond citizen of a hatred society I would live a life completely consumed with hatred and if I was told two plus two equals five, I would believe it. Hatred that consumes a society is perfectly plausible. When victory of the country, supposedly due to the leader involved, motivates and pushes the hatred forward it is enough to unify the entire society. As long as societies around the world can live with love and mercy, others can live only with hatred, power, and victory.

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