Hate Speech: The Negative Effects Of Hate Speech

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Nowadays Donald Trump’s speeches are noticed in the world because of the hate they are instilled with. Hate speech is defined as “[S]peech that attacks, threatens, or insults a person or group on the basis of national origin, ethnicity, color, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability”(Dictionary.com, 2016). Hate speeches affect many different types of people; many of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people are target of hate speech, and a public has demanded that homophobic hate speech disappear.
Homophobic hate speech not only hurts LGBT people’s feelings but also threatens their lives. Hate speech urges some anti-homosexual people to be aggressive towards LGBT people, resulting in them hiding their …show more content…

However, homophobic hate speech causes several negative effects. In fact, after Mr. Sekaleshfer’s speech, 49 gay people were killed in Florida in 2016 by an Islamic state supporter. LGBT people are harmed because of hate speech as such it can call to violent action.
One of solution is to change social standards; it means making LGBT a more common and accepted orientation. For example, in some countries there are laws stating LGBT is a crime; making it legal, and also making pro same-sex marriage laws can help make homosexuality more common as people would not have to hide their identity. However, forcing people to accept LGBT will create protests. In fact, according to Towleroad writer Fitzgerald Michael (2016), the Taiwanese government is currently trying to legalize same-sex marriage, causing gatherings of 80,000 people, in which some expressed hate towards the LGBT community. A lot of laws are based on local cultures and religion thus making it difficult to such …show more content…

In Canada, there is limitation on speech, and when people say or write anything homophobic, it is illegal (Stefanowicz, 2015). Thought it might reduce hate speech, this potentially violates the freedom of expression. In 2014 anti-abortion and anti-gay activist Bill Whatcott distributed leaflets against homosexuality and abortion at the University of Regina. At the time, he said that his goal was securing a “robust level of free speech for my social conservative brethren” (Takeuchi, 2015). This solution also causes suppression views on the opposite side resulting in strong

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