Harmony In A Multicultural Society Essay

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Imagine overcasting clouds looming dangerously, streaks of lightning illuminating occasionally punctuated with deafening roar of thunder. Cannon whizzed through across the smoke-wafting horizon, simultaneously erupting and spewing millions of charred fragments as the land tremored violently. The scene spelled calamity in midst of deep-rooted vendetta between the belligerent natives and metropolitan league resulting melancholic atmosphere echoing through the bloody massacre. This brief vignette accentuates the consequences of absence of harmony in a multicultural society. Harmony means acceptance and respect in any type of environment while diversity defines assortment along the dimensions of race, ethnicity, gender, and socio-economic status, …show more content…

The most paramount reason to inculcate harmony between diversified societies is that varied belief and culture might spark eradication of misunderstanding. For instance, during a rendezvous, a plethora of suggestions and objections might be presented but without exercising harmony, the situation is most likely chaotic with all and sundry squabbling to prove their stand. In a more holistic scope, the everlasting feud between Ceylonese and Hindus at Sri Lanka is a product of absence of harmony, resulting thousands of innocents lives robbed within duration of 10 years. Furthermore, erosion of harmony might cause invasion of foreign affairs. Cyber attacks, terrorism, intrusion in government’s military and financial confidential sites are a few examples of meddling act of exterior allies. When harmony diminish, it corrodes a nation’s security, paving ways for mendacious groups to carry out pernicious acts such as manipulating mentality of citizen and plundering wealth which was testified during the colonization of British …show more content…

Resonating from the quote above, harmony is the gist to yield greater productivity in politic, economy and social aspects. Tourism, irrefutably one of the most lucrative sector of Malaysia’s economy is partially powered by diversity between multiracial heritages. These enticing icons of different cultures serve as tourist attractions, promoting foreign currency entrance into local market subsequently encouraging foreign investments. Bilateral relationship between other nations is also an element which highlights harmony within diversity. The relationship can be in the form of economic transactions involving goods and services, military weapons and strategies, student exchange programmes. Harmony acts as a lubricant in these transactions which benefits both party as a mutualism. On the other hand, the devastating 8.9 Richter scale earthquake of Acheh in 2004 killed approximately 250,000 people, setting back Acheh through a tumultuous journey. Cooperation between local and international organizations such as Mercy and UNICEF raked up millions in donations, rejuvenating the scenario in Acheh. These necessities have to be utilized as a wake-up call to the

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