Haliburton: The Origin Of Ice Hockey In Canada

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The History of Hockey
Ice Hockey has no official date of origin. However, it was first created in the 1800’s by King’s College School, who adapted a favorite field game called Hurley to make ‘’Ice Hurley”, later changed its name and become known as Ice Hockey. “Thomas Chandler Haliburton, born in Windsor in 1796, told of King’s boys playing “Hurley on the ice” when he was a young student at the school around 1800. This is the earliest reference in English literature of a stick-ball game being played on ice in Canada.” (Vaughan ). Canada is largely assumed to be the “birthplace’’ of ice hockey while some sources point to its unconfirmed origin in Europe. Actually, the game wasn’t introduced in Montreal until 1875 (Vaughan).
The first Olympic

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