Haiti Earthquake and Chile Earthquake in 2010

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1. Introduction
D.J. Dowrick (”Earthquake Risk Reduction”in Wiley) explains that seismic hazard is any physical phenomenon associated with an earthquake that may produce adverse effects on human activities. Earthquakes occur very suddenly without any warning. Thus, earthquake not only destructs people’s living environment, but also affects people’s mental health. People are more scared of earthquake. In 2010, there are two severe earthquakes, which are Haiti Earthquake and Chile Earthquake. Both of these two earthquakes produced the various impact considerably across countries and regions. The purpose of this essay is to analyse those two earthquakes according to knowledge such as why they occur, how strong they are, and what the impact they made. Even though people still can not predict earthquake, through analyse earthquakes, they can prevent it bring huge losses.
2. Geotectonic setting and local earthquake hazard of Haiti and Chile
It is important to know the geotectonic setting of Haiti and Chile before researching the earthquakes happened there, because the geotectonic setting is one of significant determining factors for earthquake. In one hand, the geologic setting of Haiti is constituted by five mountain ranges, and the major component of these mountains is limestone. Except that, Haiti is divided into three regions: south area including south peninsula, the centre area, and north area including north peninsula. The country has abundant karstic features like limestone cave, grottoes, and subterranean rivers (Hadden&Minson, 2008, p 3). Otherwise,the earthquake periodicity od Haiti was happened by the long fault trace pass through southern peninsular and Port-au-Prince (Hadden, R.L. & Minson,S.G., 2010, p ...

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...Retrieved from: http://www.nbcnews.com

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