Habeas Corpus Research Paper

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The Writ Of Habeas Corpus is a long time controversial document. Habeas Corpus, which means produce the body, is an order to a guard or warden to bring the prisoner to court to show reason for them being held in prison, the officer then must go against them, saying why they can not be released. Its commonly used by people who know they are innocent, or those who didn’t get due process of law. In other words, if someone was to be arrested for murder, but no body was found, there is no valid point of them being held. Similar to how if not pressed with charges, you can’t be held.

As I said The Habeas Corpus is controversial. It’s been suspended five times for different reasons, but mostly during war times. First by president Abraham Lincoln, at the beginning of the civil war due to dangers of war. It was later restored at the end of the war. The next three were all by congress. The second, South Carolina 1871, to deal with the Ku Klux Klan. Then again in the Philippines 1905, in connection with the local revolt. Thirdly in Hawaii during world war two, due to the war itself. Lastly by president George W Bush during 2006, the military commissions act. Which suspended the Habeas Corpus for “terrorist” or anyone from another country. So also, due to …show more content…

Some believe the Habeas Corpus shouldn’t be suspended because “…these great and fundamental laws, which congress itself could not suspend, have been disregarded and suspended, like the Habeas Corpus, by a military order…”(source C) these laws being ‘no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law’. They also are entitled to a speedy trial. Someone famous for going against the suspension of the Habeas Corpus is Chief Justice Roger Taney. He believed the peoples rights were being taken away with the suspension of the Habeas Corpus. 3,800 people were thrown in jail until trial when Lincoln suspended the Habeas

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