H.G. Wells's Presentation of Future in The Time Machine

759 Words2 Pages

H.G. Wells's Presentation of Future in The Time Machine

When Wells was writing "The Time Machine" in 1895 England was a

country where society consisted of several classes. These were mainly

the middle classes, these were the people who ran factories and had a

lot of wealth. The other class was working class, the people who

worked in factories and mines. Also there were a huge number of

factories and mines. Consequently there was a great deal of

air-pollution due to the factories. The smog from the factories

pollution was common in winter and big cities like London and

Manchester had smog clouds in winter. Smog clouds were so thick you

could barely see twenty yards in front of yourself.

The ideas of Charles Darwin and Karl Marx were still very new in 1895.

Darwin in his book "Origin of Species" had argued that mankind had

evolved for over thousand of years. Darwin thought that we were once

prime apes (monkeys) but had, through coping with challenging

situations evolved into present day homo sapiens (humans). Many people

believed that Darwin's book was an attack on the tale of Adam and Eve.

However to many others Darwin's book was the most logical explanation

for our existence.

Marx in "The Communist Manifesto" had predicted a future world in

which everyone would live in communes. He states that workers would

rebel against their masters. Once they had don e that they would run

factories and the nation together. Other ideas of Marx were that

nobody would marry, people would just go with who ever they wanted,

and that there would be no religion.

When he sat down to write "The Time Machine", H.G. Wells was looking

at the Engl...

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paedophiles and murderers. Most chat rooms have a moderator who is

employed to make sure people don't give out their full name, their

address, or their phone number. The trouble is that there are so many

chats going at once the moderators can't see everyone's conversations.

Another way people abuse the Internet is by sitting at their PC's and

robbing people. They do this by hacking into your computer and looking

at credit card numbers, social security numbers and other personal

details that can be used against you. More worryingly than the others

is the fact that some children would rather sit a computer than go

outside and exercise this could lead to overweight children and even

obesity. Also children, or anyone can get headaches off sitting at a

computer for too long, these headaches could develop into migraines.

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