Guido Calabresi: The Comparison Of The Economic Analysis Of Law

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In this quote, Guido Calabresi questions the relevance of the unitary view of Economic Analysis of Law by identifying two separate areas of study, respectively Economic Analysis of Law and Law and Economics. According to the author, the first area covers the use of economics to analyse and modify the legal word when the second area is the use of Law as a descriptive tool of reality on which economic analysis is built. This issue might appear to be one of terminology, of semantic. But it is far more an issue of definition of this academic field, issue that raises several questions: how can we define Economic Analysis of Law? What are its aims? Is Law and Economics different from Economic Analysis of Law? In this short essay, I will argue that …show more content…

If we stick to the semantic meaning of Economic Analysis of Law, we ought to see it as the “application of economic theory to the study of law as an object or as a mechanism” . This definition is broadly shared from Guido Calabresi to Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy or even from non-Anglo-Saxon scholars such as Yannick Gabuthy as he states that “Economic Analysis of Law consists in using economists’ tools and evaluation criteria in order to study legal issues”. However, if Law and Economics and Economic Analysis of Law cover the exact same study field, and if we keep the definition above-mentioned, then how should we call the other fields of study involving both law and economics? Thus, I suggest that Law and Economics should be understood in a broad meaning as describing any work involving law and economics, integrating the Economic Analysis of Law in this broader field of study. Indeed, the combined application of law and economics outside of the strict definition of Economic Analysis of Law has been historically rich, and predominant before Coase, and is nowadays subject to great innovations. Thierry Kirat, besides of Economic Analysis of Law, identifies the revival of the interactions between economic and legal normativities, mostly in continental Europe, and the integration of legal

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