Group Separatism

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Ethnicity has long been a cultural separator and gap closer for many generations. From the civil rights and black movements of the past and currently today, to the American Indians reservations and concentration camps of Japanese Americans during World War II. The American people and government are consistently fighting back and forth to try and right some sort of wrong that each party is consistently doing. George M. Fredrickson’s essay, Models of American Relations: A Historical Perspective (Fredrickson), talks about and explains how ethnic groups have been defining themselves for years or how the governments that they live under have been defining them as well. Ethnic groups have been defined and re-defined many different times throughout …show more content…

Treuer talks about this method saving his people’s language by establishing a school, Lac Courte Oreilles, that operates in total Ojibwe language immersion. By doing this, the teachers can preserve the culture and even enhance and enrich the children’s lives by keeping them connected with their cultural background while still driving them into the 21st century with teachings and knowledge all performed in their native tongue. This method allows the Ojibwe culture to live on and not promote its extinction if the tribe members were to one way assimilate entirely into the American culture. During the movie, Group Separatism is used in a different way which allows viewers to see how this method could also prove lethal to a culture or ethnic group. The character Anthony, played by Ludacris, is consistently trying to separate the black culture from the white culture by talking to his friend about the injustices of the white society on the black society. He states, “That waitress sized us up in two seconds. We 're black and black people don 't tip. So, she wasn 't gonna waste her time. Now somebody like that? Nothing you can do to change their mind”. (Crash) This thought process allows Anthony to stay focused and isolated in his ethnic culture, however, by having this based on a cognitive distortion and stereotypes, it keeps him isolated from others and prevents his ability to grow beyond such separatism and biases. This is where Group Separatism does not work. The movie and the essay however, have highlighted two models of ethnic relations worth talking

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