Group Formation And Conflict In A Group

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This is an overview of the Human Resource Management module. This essay is going to be focused on two man topics, specifically; Group formation and Conflict in the group. These two specific topics I feel can relate better to my presentation group on the grounds that in a gathering of occasions that happened in the arrangement and usage of the task. The primary areas that straightforwardly impacted the way we met expectations are as follows: Below is an account of the dissimilar models of group formation processes by Lewin, Tuckman, McGrath, and Gersick which includes the major features, steps, and characteristics. Tuckman (1965) stated these rules/processes are needed for group formation: Formation: This is the initial phase when the group gets together and members begin to grow their relationship with one another and find out what is required of them. This is the stage when team building starts out and hope starts to build up. Group members will start setting up limits on acceptable behavior through experimentation. Other members’ reactions will decide if a behavior will be reprise. This is also the time when the tasks of the group and the members will be adjudicated. Storming:During this tier of group development, interpersonal conflicts arise and conflicts of opinion about the group and its goals will surface.If the group is unable to visibly state its purposes and goals or if it cannot agree on shared goals, the group may fail at this point. It is important to cultivate through the conflict at this time and to establish clear goals. It is necessary for there to be discussed and then everyone feels heard and can arrive to an accord on the direction the group is to be active in. Norming: In Tuckman’s Norming stage, interpersona... ... middle of paper ... ... an issue. The norming stage helped us to figure out the role which each member plays. Throughout the norming stage, our group also created a group norm table. Patricia Andrews, a communication scholar, defines norms as “set of expectations held by group members concerning what kinds of behaviors or opinions are acceptable or unacceptable, good or bad, right or wrong, appropriate or inappropriate.” The performing stage was a good stage. Our group performed a terrific job with bringing our project put together, creating a presentation and then doing it. The performance didn't see, to be much stressful; instead it was filled with joy and some wonderful advice from the lecturer. My group contained people from different cultures. We have developed those skills and strategies, which had helped our group to interact freely with one another and accept each other’s beliefs.

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