Greenhouse Causes: The Cause And Effects Of Global Warming

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Global Warming
The earth’s temperature stability is a vital factor in maintaining life for the living organisms. Just like a human’s body, the earth becomes hot or cold due to internal or external changes. Today, the global warming has become the main cause that many parties blame for the noticeable temperature rise of the planet earth. The simple identification of Global Warming is the gradual rise in the earth’s temperature and its oceans. The increased use of fossil fuel, natural gas, and coal burning around the world has produced Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Methane (CH4) gases in large amounts. Carbon Dioxide, Methane, and other gases are the greenhouse gases in which they create what is called the greenhouse effect.
Greenhouse effect is the mechanism that keeps the earth warm, and if it were not for this effect, the planet would be a frigid place. According to Marc Lallanila, the greenhouse effect is when sun radiation penetrates through the glass easily, then it is trapped inside, hence warming up the house “The exchange of incoming and outgoing radiation that warms the Earth is often referred to as the greenhouse effect.” (Lallanila). …show more content…

Methane is considered to be stronger than CO2 regarding its capability of absorbing the sun’s heat,” Methane (CH4) is estimated to have a GWP of 28–36 over 100 years.” (“Understanding Global Warming Potentials”) Which means it is more destructive to the environment than CO2. There are two main sources of Methane, first naturally which is produced by livestock, agricultural practices, and decayed organic waste. Second synthetically by the production of coal, oil, and gas. Other gases such as Nitrous Oxide are more powerful than CO2 and CH4, but since their percentage quite little in comparison to the main two gases, the focus has been centered mainly on CO2 and

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