Greater Manchester Police (GMP) as More User Friendly

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Greater Manchester Police (GMP) as More User Friendly

The phrase ‘being user friendly’ means adapting and making changes for

the better for the public as they are the people who pay for the

service of the police force. The GMP have brought in new aims and

objectivities to make their services more user friendly. Here are

some of the things which they have done;

v The GMP have published many of their documents in different

languages such as: Urdu, Farsi, Canonise and Punjabi. These are also

available in large print for people whose eyesight is not 100%.

v The GMP also have interpreters on hand for both victims and suspects

to communicate with the police officers.

v Greater Manchester Police believe, ‘… good communication is an

important way to develop equality of opportunity for all members of

society. This can be difficult for anyone whose first language is not

English, is deaf or has impaired hearing, or is blind and has impaired

sight. We are committed to making suitable facilities available and

accessible to help the public and our staff communicate effectively.’

(GMP Equal Opportunities Policy 2003)

v Greater Manchester Police have took action and improved on employing

and training people who are from under-represented groups at all

levels, this is so that these people have equality and opportunities

at all levels.

v GMP have community police officers who visit many places in

Manchester. These are places such as community centres etc. This is

so that the public can get to know their local police officer, they

can talk and communicate with them more. This also makes the public

feel safer.

v The polic...

... middle of paper ...

...eration, Unison or the Black and Asian Police Association. This is

where they can discuss with someone their reasons for leaving the



Greater Manchester Police taken out a survey on the basis of a career

development questionnaire, this found that 60% shown that they would

engage in activities designed to enhance their career progression.

Although the survey did show that a small minority of ethnic officers

found that they have felt racism hit them at one point, but the

majority of ethnic officers found that they have comparable

experiences to their white counterparts.

There was also a similar sort of survey taken out with the ethnic

support staff. This shown that 72% of the support staff were

satisfied with the career opportunities that are available for them at

Greater Manchester Police.

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