Great Gatsby American Dream Essay

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The American Dream is a recurrent theme in American literature, dating back to some of the earliest colonial writings. Benjamin Franklin, who is considered to be the epitome of the self-made man once said, “The Constitution only guarantees the American people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself” (Franklin). Furthermore it is the belief that every man, whatever his origins, may pursue and attain his chosen goals; whether they be political, financial or social. However, the composition of the American Dream transformed as America changed. Gradually, individuals became fixated with affluence. The right to pursue happiness was still permissible, however; many persons began to believe their right was to pursue money. In the modernistic novel, The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald unveils a unique expression of the American Dream, where effortless wealth and diminished social values exemplify its corruption. The novel entails a story of the disillusioned love between a man and a woman. The main character of the novel, Jay Gatsby, who stands for his nation, imagines...

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