Graphics Programming Using Python

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Graphics programming using Python

This project is designed to demonstrate the ability to use Python for Graphics programming. Creating graphic related objects in Python is relatively easy. In this Project we made use of the Graphic module. This module allows for graphics related object be created with relative ease. The graphics module is a versatile module package in which multiple object related images can be created in Python.

Creating graphical objects in any programming language is really interesting and could pose a challenge to users. Python programming is no different although it is much easier to implement. A lot of graphical objects can be created with the aid of graphical modules. An example of a module is the Zelle’s graphics. The Zelle’s graphics package does not come standard with the standard Python program. To use this graphics package, it will have to be imported.

Python GUI has multiple modules in its library that could be imported. A module is a group of files that contain definitions and statement. Modules are all named with the .py extension which can then be imported through the Python GUI. These modules implement a set of simple or sometimes complex functions which lets the user create graphical or other objects.

To import a module, the import command which includes the asterisk character is used when importing a module. This command directly imports modules into Python from where the module is stored or located and imports it to the GUI. The first time a module is imported into a running Python script, it is initialized by executing all of the code in the module. If the same module is included in current code, it will not be loaded twice but once only. This module is also known as a singleto...

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...y. Python gives a user access to multiple modules which could be used to create even complex graphics. It may seem restrictive to others not familiar to Python but it still gives a user with a good imagination a wide range of options to create whatever graphic implementation is required.

Finally, most the modules for Python are really impressive when imported to through its graphical user interface. Python is a strongly typed language so no variable has to be declared and also it is object-oriented. I think that is why I was looking forward demonstrating graphics done with Python in this final project.

Works Cited

Hands on Python. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Python Documentation. (n.d.). Retrieved 4 27, 2014, from

Zelle, J. Python Programming.

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