Grandpas Lap

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Grandpa's Lap

She seems to be at ease. Her face was completely consumed by her smile.

She was in what felt like a safe place. Grandpa's lap always felt like a safe place.

He was her hero. He would protect her from anything and everything that may

come her way. He was a brave warrior who would take on the world for her if he

had to.

He smelled of Old Spice and cheap chaving cream. It was a comfortable

smell. It was the kind of smell that made her want to curl up next to him. She

would always watch him shave in the morning. She would often wonder why she

couldn't shave like Grandpa. Once he shaved half of his beard off. He said, "If

you like me with a beard look at this side, and if you like me better without, look

at the other side." He was silly like that a lot. He was always humming while he

shaved. It was always a silly song she guessed. He only hummed because the

words to the songs were too dirty for a little girl's ears. He was in the marines

after all. he didn't know any frilly songs. Only the hearty, manly, dirty songs. He

would sometimes sing her a nursery rhyme when no one else was around.

Grandpa was a special man. He retired from the marines, but never retired

from the lifestyle. "One can take a man out of the marines, but you can't take the

marine out of a man." This was one of Grandpa's favorite sayings. The marine

really does stay in a man. It added to Grandpa's loving personality. It added a

feeling of security. It added a lot.

Grandpa's lap was her favorite spot. The big chair wasn't the same when

Grandpa couldn't sit in it any longer. Once he was gone, no one would really sit

there. He used to tickle her if she took his seat.

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