Grand Torino: The Disengagement Theory

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As a young child growing up in a small country like The Kingdom of Thailand, I didn't have much experience with people of different races. I would often imagine what it would be like to be around people of other races within the own neighborhood. How could I interact with one to another? The movie, Grand Torino, is an inspiring movie that presents viewers with a real-life story of a grumpy old widower man, named Walt Kowalski, who faces all the challenges of growing old in America. This movie depicts the racial interactions as well as the personal struggles and emotions that come with aging within a very diverse community. In Gran Torino, the setting is in a Highland Park Michigan neighborhood that had been populated by white working class …show more content…

It suggests that “aging is an inevitable, mutual withdrawal or disengagement; resulting in decreased interaction between the aging person and others in the social system he belongs to.” Walt’s son and daughter-in-law brought him gifts on his birthday that they insisted would make his life easier. (Example: Gopher and a giant numbered telephone). The African-American and Asian-American gangs dismiss him by telling him “go home old man” and “mind your own business” they refused to recognize his true authority until he pulled a gun on them. They don’t even bother to fight back after he takes it out. Another part was when the Hmong (Korean) gang also dismisses him, except this time he has a gun in their face. They chastise him and make fun of his age until he threatens them with things he did to Koreans in the Korean War. When Sue invited Walt over to her family’s BBQ, she takes him to the basement to socialize with her friends. The vibes are awkward while the teens stare at him suspiciously. Sue thinks that Walt is a great person to talk to, while the others need convincing often questioning him for being down there in the basement. Another great example is when Walt asks Tao for help to move his freezer from the basement and Tao accepts the request, however, Tao refuses once Walt orders him to carry the light side of the freezer instead of the heavy side. After the debate between them, Walt finally agrees to carry the light

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