Government becoming a "Food Nannie" in the US

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As our former president Thomas Jefferson once asserted, "If people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as the souls who live under tyranny." The government has decided to once again control the life of civilians, and this time it’s controlling what we can and can’t eat. In simpler words, they’ve become the “food nannies”. The government should leave the concern of health to the people they’re contravening. Every time a government official promulgates a new rule about what can and can’t be consumed, they infringe on the rights listed in the Constitution, limit choices, and are ineffective.
Mayor Bloomberg of New York has decided to attempt to implement a preposterous law that limits the size of soda being sold in restaurants. This law, and all others trying to control the amount of caloric intake violate the rights given in the Constitution. Article one of the Constitution states that all people have the freedom to make their own decisions, yet placing food regulations and taxes on certain items go ag...

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