
587 Words2 Pages

The Government and laws are the two reasons why the world is stable. The Government is important because it is a representative of all the people living in the country as a whole. Without these two things there would be anarchy, people would go around killing, hurting, robbing, and people would go running amok .There wouldn’t be any type of peace because people could do anything they want to do. The murder rate would go higher and higher by the day.There wouldn't be in stability in the United States. Most likely if the United States didn't have a government it would be a dictatorship.

We need the government and laws to keep or society balanced and make laws that everyone must cooperate or be put in jail. The murder rate in the world would go higher because people would walk up in down the Streets killing people. Laws are ways to control society and if Laws are ways to control society Without these laws that make people go to jail or give them the death penalty, then the murder rate in the world would go higher. The Government is the most impor...

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