Gopashtami: Celebration Of The Hindu Community

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Gopashtami is a ritual celebrated every year in South Africa and around the world by the Hindu community. Gopashtami is a celebration of the Hindu god Krishna’s first time herding cows and is also celebrated to respected by Hindus as they provide them with many important products such as milk, ghee, yoghurt acknowledge the importance of cows in the lives of Hindus. The festival of Gopashtami will be held this year in the month of November. During this ritual cows are cleaned, fed and decorated. In South Africa Hindus perform this festival in a place called Goshala which is translated into cowshed, and is situated in Pietermaritzburg. This ritual is important among the Hindus as they view cows as sacred animals that are akin to goddess …show more content…

In 2007 spur steak ranches television advert Hindus with a loss of appetite as their advert was insulting towards the Hindu community. Spur advertised for the beef schnitzel by using a traditionally dresses Hindu couple in their advert which angered many Hindus as the advert appeared disrespectful towards the Hindu religion. Spurs lack of knowledge and research on Hindu beliefs left spur with a bad image, decreased sales and increased advertising expenses as spur had to stop the avert from being shown and publicly apologise to the Hindu …show more content…

This creates a competitive advantage for Frys as they are one of the very few products that contain a Shuddha logo, other manufacturers advertise their products as vegetarian yet have no certification to assure Hindus their products are meat

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