Golf Swing

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Golf Swing

The Basics

The golf swing is sort of an awkward motion that can only be mastered in time and with practice. A person usually cannot pick up a golf club for the first time and swing it with perfection. One thing to remember is that there is not an ideal swing for everyone. A beginner or someone who already plays golf must develop his or her own swing from the basic fundamentals of golf. Even the pros that seem to play the game so well do not all have the same swing. Their swings have been transformed from their own experience and help from instructors or fellow competitors. The following tips should give you some helpful tips about the basics of the golf swing.

Without question the golf swing is one of the most important aspects about the game of golf. The golf swing can be divided into many categories but there are three main categories that stand out: the setup, the backswing, and the downswing. All of these aspects are equally important. Having the proper golf swing does not just increase your ability in the game, but also your enjoyment.

For the sake of time, the only aspect of the setup I will talk about is the grip. Start by standing and holding the club in your bottom hand (right hand), where the grip meets the shaft. The shaft should be at an angle where the club head is at your forehead, toward the sky, and the grip is at your waist. The club should be completely vertical. Touch the club in the fingers of your left hand and wrap your fingers ...

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