Golden Ratio

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It was once said by Johannes Kepler that “Geometry has two great treasures: one is the Theorem of Pythagoras, and the other the division of a line into extreme and mean ratio. Golden Ratio is found by dividing a line into two parts so that the longer part divided by the smaller part equals the whole length divided by the longer part. It is also known as the extreme and mean ratio. Golden ratio is very similar to Pi because it is an infinite number and it goes on forever. It is usually rounded to around 1.618. The formula for golden ratio is a/b = (a+b)/b. Golden Ratio is a number that has been around for many years. It has been around for a long time so it is not known who formed the idea of the golden ratio. Since the golden ratio is used all around the world, it is known in many names such as the golden mean, phi, the divine proportion, extreme and mean proportion, etc. It is usually referred to as phi. Golden ratio was used in arts from the beginning of people and still is used today. It has been used in architecture, math, sculptures and nature. Many famous artists used the golden ratio. Golden ratio can also be used on a rectangle which is known as the golden rectangle. Euclid talks about it in his book Elements. Golden ratio also has a relationship with both the Fibonacci numbers and Lucas numbers. The Golden ratio is an infinite number that is rounded approximately to 1.618. Euclid referred to the decimal form of the golden ratio, which is 0.61803…, in his book The Elements. The golden ratio is a very special number with many properties. One of its properties is that to square the golden ratio, you could just add one to it. The formula for squaring the golden ratio would be phi²= Phi + 1. Another property of the golden ratio is that to get the reciprocal you can just subtract one. The reciprocal of Phi would be Phi-1. The golden ratio is often written as a/b

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