Gold Case Study

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Why was gold preferred? Gold is preferred by the customers because when they are in need of money they pledge the gold as security and get money. The investors prefer gold rather than any other investments. It was not so much as a hedge against inflation but as an insurance against uncertainty. When the economy is faltering and the future looks bleak, gold becomes a preferred asset. Past: There is one famous saying: 'a friend in need is friend indeed.' If we talk it in financial terms, we can say it as 'a financial asset in need is a financial asset indeed'. Normally, every investor builds a portfolio using a lot of financial assets, but is he aware which option among the lot prevents him from drowning in times of economic crisis, such as …show more content…

No other investment option endures the test of time so well and, hence, it's universally accepted as one of the best financial assets to possess in rough economic conditions. Not only investors, but also nations try to hoard gold in times of crisis. Very recently, there were reports on how China and India bought tons of gold to hedge against the dollar risk. Here, we explore the different investment options in gold. Jewellery Investing in jeweler is very easy as you only need cash to invest. However, as you own it in physical form, there is the threat of theft. Another thing to keep in mind is that gold jewellery is a virtual investment as people don't usually want to sell it. Indians invest in jewellery for multiple reasons. They can use it for marriage, wearing for parties, as well as get it liquidated in the time of crisis. Moreover, accumulating jewellery is a sort of tradition in India and, hence, many families still find it the best way to invest in gold. Gold …show more content…

All you need is a demat account for buying them. Also, you lose nothing in form of premium or discount, nor do they have any security issues. The initial amount required for investment is quite low. However, they are not as liquid as some of the other options. They also entail a transaction fee and annual maintenance charges. Gold Mining Stocks Gold mining stocks provide you an option of taking indirect exposure in the yellow metal. They have a better capital appreciation potential compared to direct investment. Not only are they very liquid, but also require low initial investment. But they are quite volatile and riskier compared to other options. Gold reserves are held in significant quantity by many nations and they are synonymous with money. Gold investment acts as the best shield against economic downturn and crisis situations, so it's always wise to take exposure in them. Gold is a metal whose price is determined by several factors: Inflation, fluctuations in the dollar and stocks, currency-related crises, interest rate volatility, international tensions, and by increases or decreases in the prices of other commodities. The price of gold reacts to supply and demand, which are influenced among other things by consumer spending like all assets and overall levels of prosperity. Gold is technically not termed an investment, but is termed a storehouse of

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