Analysis Of The Brothers Karamazov

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There has been a resurgence contending that the Holocaust—or some likened event—is enough to show that God does not exist. It is professed as the coup de grâce against the existence of God, and has presently become a sort of argument where one replaces the Holocaust with atrocities that have recently received media coverage (e.g., the Orlando nightclub shooting). However, the questioner, in pronouncing any event as objectively unconscionable (i.e., what happened was wrong regardless of human opinion), inadvertently makes a moral value judgment and assumes that a good God therefore cannot possibly exist. Here, one may unveil a key presupposition of the argument—that some form of moral normativity of rightness and wrongness, or that objective …show more content…

However, most people are not cognizant of the immensely gravity that follows the denial of objective moral values and duties such as the meaninglessness of moral accountability and the vacuousness of upholding human virtues like love, brotherhood and camaraderie. In accordance with Francis Schaeffer’s model of the two-universe, Craig states that the person who espouses this view cannot live both consistently and happily. The questioner unconsciously makes leaps of faith to affirm certain values he treats as objective (e.g., my life has meaning, my child is meaningful to me, my job and career are meaningful, etc.) which his worldview does not provide. He is forced to delude himself in what L.D. Rue stated as the “Noble Lie”—which is the fictitious alternative to infuse a meaningless universe with value, …show more content…

Any argument based on the reality of evil to disprove God either presupposes moral truths or are solely based on politico-judicial or legal positivistic accounts. The former is a self-defeating argument (the questioner needs to sit on God’s lap, in order to slap his face and deny him (FRANK, YEAR)), and the latter is founded on the naïve premise that all persons, groups and systems in power are benign, which have been refuted time and again throughout history. And in the case of peoples sharing drastically different ideologies, they are similarly endowed their right to ignore, manipulate, and reinterpret methods of governance. They can also justify their modes of jurisprudence to their sociopolitical climate; their acts therefore cannot be seen as objectively right or wrong or be exalted or reprimanded; denying the objectivity of moral values and duties leads to relativism and ultimately to nihilism, a philosophical worldview that no one can rationally accept and live

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