Goals and Objectives in Business

652 Words2 Pages

Goals and Objectives in Business

One of the most important components of your business plan will be the

section titled, "Goals and Objectives". Simply put, this section will

be used to assist in your business planning and direction. This

section can be revisited at any point in time throughout your business

to ensure the business has met the outlined goals and objectives and

is on "track". If your plans seem to have strayed from the original

plan, you can then determine why the plans of the business have

changed and how to get back on "track".

Goals (Objectives) - are targets you set for yourself and your


Goals allow you a means to measure and gauge the success of your

company as you proceed with operating your company. Without them, how

can you tell if you are accomplishing what you initially set out to

do? This section may eventually act as a reward incentive for you if

upon reviewing your Goals section you have determined that you have

achieved what you set out to do. A reward may be as simple as telling

yourself, "Good job!", or perhaps setting out to purchase a new

computer for your office. Rewarding your achievements is a necessity

in maintaining your business perspective.

Setting Goals shows readers of your business plan how you intend to

accomplish many of the items outlined in your plan. It gives them a

feel for how you envision this company operating successfully. This

isn't to say that your Goals can't change, therefore, you write them

as to how you see things unfolding in the future from today's point of


There are three main types of business Goals. They are:

1. Short-term - things you...

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... beside each of your new goals estimate a time that it may take you to

complete the task. Some goals are quite easy to place a time allotment

and some will take several minutes to even days to develop a

reasonable time frame. Use the sheets provided to start your Goals and

Objective section. Now you are on your way.

Sales and Marketing Goals


Now it is time to think of the other items that will dominate your

time beyond setting up your business that is sales and marketing.

Sales and Marketing are the most important items to think about when

developing a business and if not properly managed your business will

most likely fail.

Your goal in developing your business plan is to balance your Activity

and Marketing Charts and Cash flow sheets to reflect your goals and


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