Glorious Revolution Research Paper

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The significant event during 1688 to 1689 was occurred when James II converted to Catholicism, and he wanted to bring Catholics into high political offices in England. Then Parliament decided to replace James II by letting his daughter Mary got married with William of Orange, who was the Protestant Dutch head of state. After William and Mary had married, they assumed the crown from a fleeing James II that became to the Glorious Revolution (Gillon, pg.93). William and Mary promised to restore traditional civil liberties, and Parliament enjoyed to the authority at monarchy’s expenses by controlling the expenditure of tax money, which affected the stability people lives. Then Whigs, who was a dissenting group of politicians, put themselves in the service of William and Mary (Gillon, pg.94). Therefore, this event the Glorious Revolution had impacts on the changing social, political, and economic environment of the colonies. According to Whigs, they and their secretary, John Locke wrote about the Glorious Revolution. They started that each individual had inalienable rights, including life, liberty, and property, and the governments were also necessary for protecting people and …show more content…

The powers of the colonial assemblies also changed. In the eyes of the crown, colonial assemblies had to limit their powers, but Colonists tried to emphasize their hard-won rights for changing the crown’s mind and giving them a chance to be another empire. And the Glorious Revolution also a new boost and emboldened colonists to press forward new political demands as well (Gillon, pg.96). It inspired the colonial assemblies to be vigilant for signs of imperial encroachments or arbitrary royal role in the colonies (Gillon, pg.96). Consequently, the colonial assemblies seemed to be Colonists’ hopes in developing a political identity and

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