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Everyone is blinded by their personal enjoyment and needs to realize the damages that are slowly occurring. We are consuming and using resources greedily and we are taking it for granted. We must stop this action before we create further damage to our world. Globalization is not sustainable because the earth’s population is increasing which means the resources are decreasing, and we rely too much on resources that we are slowly creating a dark hole for our future.

In places such as China, population is a polemical issue. With 1.3 billion people, they are accounted for 1/6 of the world’s population. Globalization helped a lot when it comes to China’s growth. Not only population wise, but economic as well. Companies rose above the ground, which lead to making China one of the economic superpowers. However, even though it may seem that globalization is pulling China from its doom and poverty, it is actually doing the opposite. Globalization is in charge of the advancing of technology. This increased the life expectancy because of the advance in medical needs. With all of this advancement, we are able to live longer than before. This of course caused more frequent reproduction, which is a big key to overpopulation. The poorer countries believe that the more children they have, the more possibilities they have when it comes to surviving. They send their kids to work and obtain more money. However, this is where the cycle starts. Due to the high demands of resources, this will give the company a green light when it comes to increasing the costs of the resources. The more expensive food gets, the more money a family needs which means they need to reproduce more to gain more money. It is a never-ending cycle of life and sooner or later...

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...ll soon run out of food and breathable air. China is slowly sinking and sooner or later, the other major trade partners will follow. If there are no countries to trade with and no possible resources to eat, use or trade, globalization will no longer exist or will be needed.

Globalization is not sustainable because it is causing overpopulation, which connects to the fading resources that will soon become extinct if we do not act on this. We are taking what we have now for granted without thinking about the future generations and lastly the more companies we are building to produce more trading goods, the more we are creating a dead end for the human kind and many other living organisms like animals and plants. We have been building factories on top of their habitats and ruining the ecosystem. If we do not stop this carelessness the end may be neared than expected.

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