Persuasive Essay On Global Warming

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Do you hate winter? Do you hate the sound of the rain? Do you feel annoyed when your toes are freezing? have you ever wished for summer to be all year? Well, you will most likely change your opinion when global warming impacts our atmosphere and weather. Nowadays, Global warming is one of the biggest problems facing our society. According to the article “Global change and the greenhouse Earth”, many scientists believe that the emission of greenhouse gasses is impacting climate change and this is extremely dangerous for all of our lives. Because global warming causes the sea level to rise, thus having storms and hurricanes, we have to find ways to outlaw the emission of greenhouse gases to stop climate change from happening. Global warming is an increase in the overall temperature of Earth due to the effect of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane and those greenhouse gases are making a heating effect on our atmosphere which means that the temperature of our planet will increase over time and this is very dangerous for human life. In order to fully understand what global warming is, we have to look into the reasons …show more content…

And all of the sudden, because of us not taking care of our planet, and emitting a lot of greenhouse gases, we will have political and economical refugees. And this will make all the countries to get into wars searching for resources since we will be overpopulated in some

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